Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bunny Feeding!!

Rabbits require different  amounts of food and different types of food everyday.

Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems. Knowing what a healthy diet consists of will help prevent serious digestive issues and promote a long healthy life. There are different diet requirements for growth stages. - 

Smaller bunnies, or dwarf rabbits, need about 1/4 c to 1/2 cup of dry pellets everyday. If your rabbits are like mine and not dwarfs but slightly smaller, I would recommend a 1/3 cup of pellets per day along with the other needed foods. Also, food levels depend on your rabbit's activity level, much like people. 

Larger rabbits and normal sized rabbits need more food. The recommended amount for these rabbits is 1/2 c  to 1 cup per day. 
If your rabbit is a bit chubby, you need to give them less food because their overweight-ness effects all areas of their health.  :D 

Pellets are only a small part of a rabbit's diet as many people know. They need veggies and sometimes fruit to keep them healthy. Give them about 1 cup of vegetables per day-- they can be scraps or you can mix it with apple pieces. Its not good to give rabbits banana or grapes very often because they are much more full of sugar than other fruit. I am even careful of giving rabbits too much of any fruit because they can develop some bad health problems. I would keep the fruit to under 1/4 cup a day and no banana or high fruit sugar unless it is a treat. 

The last thing that your rabbit needs is hay. Timothy hay is the best kind to give them and hay helps them digest their food easier and in a healthier manner. When you buy it from any pet store, it will give you the recommended amount for your bunny's size. It is also good for their teeth. 

Of course, you need chew toys for them so that their teeth stay at a good size because their teeth are constantly growing. 

Hope this helps!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


                              Cleaning A Bunny                                    

Have you ever wondered if you need to clean your rabbit?

1.) Your bunny is like a cat... they clean themselves...
2.) Bunnies don't do lots of things that get them really dirty. They don't need lots of help for this, either.
3.) If your sweet rabbit does happen to somehow manage to get too dirty, you will have to help him.

  • When cleaning a bunny, keep a firm hold and an eye watching out on him at all times.
  • Use semi-warm water, and calm your rabbit before gently lowering him in the water. Have control over him, though.
  • DO NOT use dog shampoo ever!!! Do not use any type of soap unless your vet has a special type.
  • Keep the water out of your bunnies' eyes at ALL times. He is sensitive. 
I Have had a successful time with this method...
Hope you do too!


Do you have a bunny? If so, this is your ultimate blog page!!!

Hey all! These are my bunnies.I will be posting more about them soon. I have one male and one           female bunny... =D